Service & Stewardship

There are several opportunities at St. Timothy to serve and thereby practice good stewardship of the time, abilities, and resources with which God has blessed us.  As Christians, we strive to be faithful and generous stewards of the gifts God has given us. God invites us to give our lives away, both to create a more just and peaceful world, and to transform our own hearts and minds.

  • This group maintains the various items used for worship such as communionware and candles and prepares the altar for celebrating the Lord’s Supper.

  • These volunteers do the weeding, pruning, mowing, and whatever is needed to care for the lawn and plants on our property.

  • Extending a warm greeting as people come into worship, reading the Scripture lessons, or ushering people forward for Communion are opportunities that happen on Sunday mornings.

  • Occasionally there are funerals or other special services for which the ladies set up the Fellowship Hall with a special touch and manage any food that is involved.

  • On the fourth Sunday of every month an offering is given to the LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) for various mission projects in the U. S. and around the world. We have also collected money for a Christian school in Ghana, Africa, and for aid for the people in Ukraine.

  • Building maintenance is the concern of this group of volunteers.

  • The Board of Elders assists the Pastor in all matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the congregation. To accomplish this, they connect with the members of the congregation and identify situations where special support, prayer, or pastoral involvement may be needed to help an individual or family through a difficult time. In addition they pray for and encourage the pastor as they are responsible for his spiritual, emotional, and physical health and welfare.

  • This is the governing body of the church that sees to the orderly functioning of the congregation so that St. Timothy can carry out its mission. Its members include the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, head elder, head trustee, member at large, and Pastor.

Ways to Give


You can mail your donation directly to the church, under “Attn: Stewardship”.

Drop Off

Drop off your donation at the office.  If the office is closed, use the mail slot on the door.

Give Online

Use the link below to transfer your donation directly from your account to the Church's account.

The “Give Online” site provides extensive reporting and management of your donations. You can select any designated offering categories and receive full tax reporting as provided with donations received in person on Sunday morning. 

Our online donation service is managed by Tithely a highly-rated service offering a full range of giving options to over 30,000 churches. To donate with Tithely, set up an account, then choose St. Timothy as the church to whom you would like to give a donation. There is no fee to sign up but there are transaction fees. This service provided a cost of 2.9% plus 30 cents for each transaction.